Effect of Newer Diabetes Medications on Body Weight
>> Saturday, January 19, 2013
The rise in type 2 diabetes that we have seen over the last decades has paralleled the rise in obesity, with 36% of American adults now meeting the Body Mass Index criteria for obesity, and another 1/3 being overweight (you can calculate your BMI here, in the right hand column). Many treatment strategies for type 2 diabetes are accompanied by weight gain as an unwanted side effect. While treatments for type 2 diabetes that can cause weight gain (eg, insulin) are often a necessary component of treatment, medication options have been developed (or are on the horizon) that can help control blood sugars without causing weight gain.
I wrote a scientific article to review newer and emerging medications to treat type 2 diabetes that don't cause weight gain - the abstract can be accessed here.
Dr Sue Pedersen www.drsue.ca © 2013
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